Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Do you purge?

Do I what? What kind of question is that?

Let me rephrase my you declutter or get rid of things often or recycle?

I have been clearing out sections of my house for the past year or so. A little bit here and there...some places more noticeable than others.

My latest purging/decluttering was my inbox. There were really so many areas of my email that needed to be simplified!
  • Inbox folder itself - I decided to take action and just like going through papers, decide if it should be saved or deleted. If it could be deleted - that was easy. If I thought it should be saved, then did it require a reply on my part, did I need to make time on my calendar to research, read or take other action, or did I want to file it away for later reference. I went one step further on those emails I thought I wanted to save for later reference...I asked myself "really???". What good will this be later and will I look for it later?
  • Saved folders - for those emails that I saved over the years, did I really need to continue to save them? If not, they got deleted.
  • Subscriptions (this was the biggest win for me!) - when I was an Arbonne consultant, I was pointed to web sites and newsletters of different successful consultants and motivational speakers. I went through a time where I got lots of emails from these different people and organizations. When I decided to change gears and get into life coaching, I unsubscribed to certain network marketing newsletters and then got connected with other coaches. Each coach that I read about or heard about had a little something different to offer. I thought it would be interesting to read their newsletters for a while. Over time, I didn't realize how many I had signed up for! The time it took to receive, read a little bit, think I would read more later, file, print or whatever - usually touching the same email many times - had gotten totally out of control! I was organizing and wasting thought energy more than I was reading and applying tips that I had learned. 
I am very happy that I am down to a few email subscriptions! One on decluttering, one on self development and another one that is a spiritual newsletter. I make sure I read these and then decide if it has something to share, implement, file or am I done with it and delete it.

Because my volume of email is now very productive, the amount of time I spend on the computer has significantly decreased. I have more time for reading a book and writing/journaling :-)

Due to changes where I work, I am doing the same thing with paper files that I have in my office. It is a great feeling to have just the things that I use and not be surrounded by papers, file and other clutter.

I went through the bathroom closets and threw away old make-up (which would be unsanitary to use due to expirations) or lotions that I thought I would like but didn't or shampoos that just don't work for my hair. If the products weren't expired or too old, I would ask a friend if she wanted them. If not, they went in the garbage. Yes I did think of the money I was throwing away but I thought more of the space and energy I was gaining :-)

How about the kitchen closets? Again, I used the same principle of expiration and asking if the item would ever be used. I thought about what I was gaining by clearing items out and gave myself permission to throw away money this time.

Sometimes I would take a Saturday morning and get a lot done. Sometimes, I had 10 minutes and got through one shelf in a closet. There is still more to do but I celebrate what I have done. I continue to be energized about tackling different areas in my house and office because I do what I can when I can. I don't have any 'due date' or have unreasonable goals to do the whole house in one shot.

Having a few places in mind that take clothes or small appliances helps a head of time. This is what I am working on now. I have cleared out some clothes or picture frames, etc but can't throw them away so they are taking up space in the spare bedroom. I can't throw things like that away - there is nothing wrong with them! Luckily, I have two nephews who take clothes that don't fit my son anymore. Every once in a while Big Brothers/Big Sisters calls and will be driving through and will pick up clothes and small items. It's those other things during the in between pickup/delivery that get stuck in a part of my house. I was recently talking to a friend at work who told me about Goodwill! There is one in a town close by that I will be checking out.

This is work-in-progress and so am I as I get better at being more efficient and intentional about what I bring into my inbox, house and life. Go easy on yourself and celebrate what you do...and keep moving forward.

Monday, August 2, 2010

Energy levels and a post via email - a new feature for me (how did they end up together??)

Happy Monday morning J


While I am on a work telecon (meeting over the phone), I am giving ½ an ear for that as well as playing with my blog (sshhhhh).

I changed the background color a little bit and enabled a feature which allows me to write an email and send it to an email address that I created which will then post to my blog without me actually logging into the blog site itself. Just another way to me to write J


I had written on Facebook this morning that I can pick my own attitude this fine Monday morning. That is normally obvious to me since I am usually feeling quite good. This morning, I have a dull headache and am finding it a struggle to “get happy” about going to work. No one can make me happy – I have to decide that for myself. I have asked myself intentional questions and listened for answers for things that might help me feel a little happier about some things that need to be done today which, at the moment, I am not loving.


I walked out the door this morning with a banana and an apple. Along the lines with helping me feel better, I know food that we consume has a lot to do with it. When the body is struggling to digest certain foods, it can cause a drain on the rest of the body and energy levels. I had gotten out of the habit of walking out the door with a couple of pieces of fruit. Today, I decided that was important and I did it. I did actually eat the banana on the drive to the office! Half of that goal is accomplished J


Still along the lines of food and feeling better…I know I am an emotional eater. I also know that it isn’t just a particular emotion that I eat for. I eat when I am happy, sad, mad, excited, etc. I have talked to people and read articles about being more aware of when I want to eat to STOP and ask myself some questions to make sure I am eating because I am hungry and not bored or emotional. That doesn’t always work for me and cause me to stop. Another thing I recently read was that some people eat because they feel out of control. What one eats and when they eat and how much they eat IS in their control. This will be something new that I will consider…as I am learning to let go of a lot of things and become less of a “control freak”, I expect a challenge here and will keep you updated on any tricks I learn J


I plan to choose a healthy lunch. Even though I have been eating salads lately, it’s what I put on the salad that I could be making a better choice about.


I know I will feel better (those 2 Excedrin should help) after more water, 2 pieces of fruit and a healthier lunch. I will also be looking for the value that I bring to the work I do and the people I interact with along my path today. Realizing my gifts that I am already equipped with and knowing I add value to others will help me feel happier about my day. Look, it is already working by me writing J